Going down, down, down…

Sorry for the long absence. There are things I’d like to say, but I don’t have the words for. I just can’t give a good, proper description of how I feel. I am doing better but things sometime feel like I’m in a burning ring of fire thanks to my anxiety. That’s the best I could do to describe how my anxiety is disrupting my life. I haven’t needed to take my anxiety meds until today. Too many people doing too much in our apartment and then the crowd and noise at my niece’s birthday party (she’ll be 5). The greatest battles are fought not on the battle field, but in ones own mind. Win that war and nothing can hold you back.


Author: criticalmeh

Hi, as of creation, I am 34 years old. I enjoy gaming, squirrels, and complaining. This blog will be about all the above plus more.

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