The New Year is here…

Happy New Year one and all.  We all know that it’s going to be more of the same shit as the last couple years.  More lies and half-truths coming from our representatives and political leaders. It won’t be a good year for minorities, the poor or our elderly.  It’ll be great for the rich white men that “donate” to our leaders.  Bah!  Vote them out this year folks, vote your heart, not what anyone tells you!

On the bright side, thanks to my hunni and her brother, I have a new rpg group forming up.  At least once a month, maybe more if possible.  Only know one person in the group though, and that’s my hunni’s brother.  Great guy, a little weird though, but that’s ok.  I’m looking forward to this new group.  It should be easier to schedule times with them.  My current group is tougher to get together with, but they have been a blast to play with.

Getting over a nasty cold as I write this, so that’s a plus.  So much head congestion and the sore throat because of the drainage.  I took my hunni to the bookstore today to add to her already big collection.  She’s also sick, so this seems like a nice way to help her get over it.

Lunch is here.  Marco’s pizza is my favorite pizza place, they also have killer subs too!  May 2018 be kind and gentle with you all.

