It’s feeling a lot like…

Fuck this.  It’s my birthday today, no big deal really, but you know what really sucks?  Catching the crud on your birthday.  Couldnt really celebrate it even if I wanted to.  At least on the bright side, my hunni bought me a birthday cake.  It’s so amazingly delicious!

My main concerns though are physical health related.  I have slight body aches, a sore throat and a congested sinus cavity.  All I can do is take meds and relax until I feel better.  Booo!  I have been up cleaning though, which I’m sure my hunni appreciates.  I’m just so tired though.  I can’t focus on fun things I like to do, but the only cure to that frustration is doing dishes, cleaning, etc.

Apparently I have a new Pathfinder rpg group starting up soonish.  End of next month actually.  Most of the people aren’t really familiar with it from my understanding, which is good, since I really havent played in a while.  I’ll be DM/GMing the group, which is ok, rather be a player than a dice rolling demi-god, but meh.  Still trying to get my hunni into it, but if she doesn’t want to play I wont force her. Continue reading “It’s feeling a lot like…”

Ho ho no…

It snowed last night. I hate snow. My better half was kind enough to clear off the balcony before I woke up. I’m very thankful for that. It’s not so much that I hate snow, I just hate being out in it, seeing other people out in it and cleaning it up.

Christmas is coming, hence the particular title. Each year I seem to enjoy it less and less. It’s always nice to see the look on people’s faces when they open your gift to them. The holidays are becoming more and more commercial each year. It isn’t helping that my birthday is a few days after either.

I always get myself a gift for my birthday, and this year it will be the gift of sight. My close up vision is failing so new glasses. Yippie. Yes, that was sarcasm. But on the bright side, I did buy myself a cheap laptop to keep track of my role playing stuff and other creative endeavors.

The year is almost over and I already have a resolution. Drop 50 lbs by end of next year. No particular reason either. Worst case is nothing changes. Best case is I may look and feel better. Here’s hoping.
